NTCAA was sparked from the passion of several treatment court alumni who convened in 2021 with a vision of connecting alumni across the country. Connected through opportunities created by All Rise, the group went from informal "think tank" meetings, to the establishment of a 501(c)3 organization with a Board of Directors in 2022.
Built on the motto of "shoot for the moon", this group of dedicated alumni has been committed to supporting opportunities to lift up the alumni voice.
Making history, NTCAA signed a Memorandum of Understanding with All Rise in 2023, advancing the reach and opportunities of NTCAA to treatment courts across the country.
NTCAA is growing and developing on all levels and is grateful to the thousands of volunteer hours that have been provided to support our growth.
We are excited to see what the future brings!
To bring peer support through alumni to all treatment courts to ensure they have robust alumni groups to support the critical needs of those they serve.
Our mission is to support alumni group development and sustainability to meet the need for extended recovery support for all treatment court graduates
Treatment Court Alumni volunteers are the backbone of our organization. We offer a variety of opportunities for individuals and groups to get involved and make a difference in the lives of those we serve.
The National Treatment Court Alumni Association was created by us and for us, by a group of Alumni who were given a national voice by All Rise and brought together to discuss how to build and grow that voice to support programs, participants, and fellow Alumni.
This collaborative effort has been built on a mutual respect for lived experience, coupled with the professional expertise and support of All Rise staff to develop powerful messaging strategies.
NTCAA leadership and members have spent countless volunteer hours working to build an organization that can support the amazing power of Alumni and their ability to lift up their peers. All Rise not only believed in us, supported us, and empowered us, but they also stood right beside us every step of the way. This professional relationship has become personal. We are all personally invested in the outcome of sharing the power of lived experience on any platform, and building and developing Alumni to deliver and carry that message of hope, success, and strength in rising up out of the ashes of our past.
Thank you for believing in us!